5月13日,国际学术期刊《Journal of Biological Chemistry》在线发表了华东师范大学、美国Van Andel研究所和中科院上海药物研究所的一项最新研究成果,题为“Differential Requirement of the Extracellular Domain in Activation of Class B G protein-Coupled Receptors”。
本文通讯作者是中科院上海药物研究所的徐华强研究员。徐华强研究员早年毕业于清华大学,2009年入选国家****,兼任中国科学院上海药物研究所研究员。其研究组主要从事膜受体和核受体转换的分子结构特点与功能关系研究,获得多项原创性发现。曾经在Nature、Science 、Science Signaling、 JBC、pNAS等国际著名学术期刊发表论文多篇。相关阅读:徐华强、李家洋CellRes揭示信号通路新机制;徐华强教授CellRes发表新成果;徐华强教授合作发表CellResearch文章获遗传性病变研究突破。
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而B类GpCRs的TMDs是高度同源的,ECDs的同源性仅限于6个二硫化合物形成的半胱氨酸,和只有十几个其他的保守残留物。大多数ECD结构只在与配体的复合物中被捕获到,从而表明配体结合可稳定这些蛋白质,因此有利于ECD配体复合物的结晶。与内源性肽激素形成对照,小分子拮抗剂(如cp – 376395,一种CRF1R拮抗剂),是通过大规模筛选发现的,在TMD内表现得变构性,以阻止肽拮抗剂配体的结合和信号。
在这项研究中,研究人员证明,一些B 类GpCRs(如CRF1R、pAC1R和pTH1R)的ECDs,仅作为亲和陷阱,因此,质量作用效果和激素结合可避开对它们的需求,这与流行的肽结合模型和B类GpCRs的激活相一致。
Differential Requirement of the Extracellular Domain in Activation of Class B G protein-Coupled Receptors
Abstract: G protein-coupled receptors (GpCRs) from the secretin-like (class B) family are key players in hormonal homeostasis and are important drug targets for the treatment of metabolic disorders and neuronal diseases. They consist of a large N-terminal extracellular domain (ECD) and a transmembrane domain (TMD) with the GpCR signature of seven transmembrane helices. Class B GpCRs are activated by peptide hormones with their C-termini bound to the receptor ECD and their N-termini to the TMD. It is thought that the ECD functions as an affinity trap to bind and localize the hormone to the receptor. This in turn would allow the hormone N-terminus to insert into the TMD and induce conformational changes of the TMD to activate downstream signaling. In contrast to this prevailing model, we demonstrate that human class B GpCRs vary widely in their requirement of the ECD for activation. In one group, represented by corticotrophin-releasing factor receptor 1 (CRF1R), parathyroid hormone receptor (pTH1R), and pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide type 1 receptor (pAC1R), the ECD requirement for high affinity hormone binding can be bypassed by induced proximity and mass action effects, while in the other group, represented by glucagon receptor (GCGR) and glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GLp-1R), the ECD is required for signaling even when the hormone is covalently linked to the TMD. Furthermore, the activation of GLp-1R by small molecules that interact with intracellular side of the receptor is dependent on the presence of its ECD, suggesting a direct role of the ECD in GLp-1R activation.