花粉与柱头的相互作用,对于花粉的萌发是必不可少的。高度调节的花粉萌发过程包括,柱头上的花粉粘附、水化和萌发。然而,调节花粉-柱头相互作用的花粉内部信号,我们还知之甚少。7月29日,山东农业大学生命科学学院的研究人员在国际遗传学期刊《pLOS Genetics》发表题为“The Arabidopsis KINβγ Subunit of the SnRK1 Complex Regulates pollen Hydration on the Stigma by Mediating the Level of Reactive Oxygen Species in pollen”的研究成果,对这个问题进行了探讨。山东农业大学副校长、国家重大科学计划项目(973项目)首席科学家张宪省教授是本文通讯作者。点击阅读山东农业大学的更多科研成果:山东农大:iTRAQ分析揭示拟南芥耐盐机制;山农大泰山学者plantCell发表研究新成果;山东农业大学独家发Cell子刊文章 。





此外,研究人员发现,kinβγ突变体表现出花粉中的活性氧(ROS)水平降低。体外加入H2O2可部分补偿突变体花粉减少的水吸收,并通过过表达拟南芥CATALASE 3减少花粉中的活性氧水平,导致柱头上的花粉水合作用受损。这些结果表明,拟南芥KINβγ通过介导花粉中的线粒体和过氧化物酶体的生物合成,对于ROS水平的调节,是至关重要的,在授粉过程中这是花粉–柱头相互作用所必需的。


注:张宪省,男,42岁,博士,教授,博士生导师,山东农业大学副校长。兼任美国植物生理学会会员、中国植物学会植物生理与分子生物学专业委员会委员、山东省植物学会副理事长和全国青联委员, 入选国家“百、千、万人才工程”第一、二层次人才。曾获山东省科技进步二等奖一项(首位),在国内外学术刊物《plant Cell》、《plant physiology》、《planta》和《中国科学》等发表论文50多篇。荣获山东省十大杰出青年等称号。先后留学美国加州大学(DAVIS)、新加坡农业分子生物学研究院和美国康乃尔大学进行合作研究。长期从事植物生殖生物学研究。目前正主持国家‘863’、‘973’和国家自然科学基金等研究项目。

The Arabidopsis KINβγ Subunit of the SnRK1 Complex Regulates pollen Hydration on the Stigma by Mediating the Level of Reactive Oxygen Species in pollen
Abstract: pollen–stigma interactions are essential for pollen germination. The highly regulated process of pollen germination includes pollen adhesion, hydration, and germination on the stigma. However, the internal signaling of pollen that regulates pollen–stigma interactions is poorly understood. KINβγ is a plant-specific subunit of the SNF1-related protein kinase 1 complex which plays important roles in the regulation of plant development. Here, we showed that KINβγ was a cytoplasm- and nucleus-localized protein in the vegetative cells of pollen grains in Arabidopsis. The pollen of the Arabidopsis kinβγ mutant could not germinate on stigma, although it germinated normally in vitro. Further analysis revealed the hydration of kinβγ mutant pollen on the stigma was compromised. However, adding water to the stigma promoted the germination of the mutant pollen in vivo, suggesting that the compromised hydration of the mutant pollen led to its defective germination. In kinβγ mutant pollen, the structure of the mitochondria and peroxisomes was destroyed, and their numbers were significantly reduced compared with those in the wild type. Furthermore, we found that the kinβγ mutant exhibited reduced levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in pollen. The addition of H2O2 in vitro partially compensated for the reduced water absorption of the mutant pollen, and reducing ROS levels in pollen by overexpressing Arabidopsis CATALASE 3 resulted in compromised hydration of pollen on the stigma. These results indicate that Arabidopsis KINβγ is critical for the regulation of ROS levels by mediating the biogenesis of mitochondria and peroxisomes in pollen, which is required for pollen–stigma interactions during pollination.