8月9日,中国科学院上海植物逆境生物学研究中心朱健康课题组在国际开放获取学术期刊Cell Discovery (《细胞发现》)上发表论文,研究揭示DDM1是调控杂种优势的关键表观遗传因子。
杂种优势是一种普遍而重要的生物学现象,根据F1杂交代的表现形式,杂种优势可分为中亲杂种优势(Mid-parent Heterosis,MpH)和超亲杂种优势(Best-parent Heterosis,BpH) 。中亲杂种优势指的是某一数量性状(如株高)F1的表型比两个亲本的均值要大但比最优亲本的值要小;超亲杂种优势指的是F1的值比最优亲本还要高。其中,超亲杂种优势在农业生产中意义重大,已广泛应用于作物育种中。
鉴于杂种优势的重要生物学意义,其机制解析一直是国内外植物科学研究的热点和难点。但迄今为止,未能全面解析其复杂的分子作用机制。近年来,随着表观遗传学的蓬勃发展,越来越多的证据显示,表观遗传学在杂种优势调控中起到了关键作用。但具体的作用机理仍知之甚少, 一直缺乏有效的实验证据。
朱健康课题组常年来关注植物杂种优势的表观遗传学研究。该组前期的工作首次明晰了RdDM介导的DNA甲基化机制不是调控杂种优势产生的主要表观遗传修饰因子(Zhang et al., pNAS, 2016)。在本研究中,科研人员进一步发现染色质重塑因子DDM1是调控拟南芥杂种优势的关键表观遗传学因子。研究发现,当DDM1突变后,F1代失去超亲杂种优势,但仍具有中亲杂种优势。转录组学和生理学实验表明,DDM1是通过调控水杨酸的代谢来调控杂种优势的。DDM1 抑制水杨酸基因的表达,并使水杨酸在杂种F1代中的表达保持一种优化状态(optimal level)来,从而表现出杂种优势状态。他们进一步提出了DDM1影响杂种优势的机理模型。另外,甲基化组学数据表明DNA甲基化与杂种优势无关,再次验证了该组的前期重要发现。
C.DDM1 调控杂种优势的模型
The chromatin remodeler DDM1 promotes hybrid vigor by regulating salicylic acid metabolism
In plants, hybrid vigor is influenced by genetic and epigenetic mechanisms; however, the molecular pathways are poorly understood. We investigated the potential contributions of epigenetic regulators to heterosis in Arabidposis and found that the chromatin remodeler DECREASED DNA METHYLATION 1 (DDM1) affects early seedling growth heterosis in Col/C24 hybrids. ddm1 mutants showed impaired heterosis and increased expression of non-additively expressed genes related to salicylic acid metabolism. Interestingly, our data suggest that salicylic acid is a hormetic regulator of seedling growth heterosis, and that hybrid vigor arises from crosses that produce optimal salicylic acid levels. Although DNA methylation failed to correlate with differential non-additively expressed gene expression, we uncovered DDM1 as an epigenetic link between salicylic acid metabolism and heterosis, and propose that the endogenous salicylic acid levels of parental plants can be used to predict the heterotic outcome. Salicylic acid protects plants from pathogens and abiotic stress. Thus, our findings suggest that stress-induced hormesis, which has been associated with increased longevity in other organisms, may underlie specific hybrid vigor traits.