


该研究成果于8月15日在线发表于《自然-遗传学》(Nature Genetics)期刊。秦峰研究组博士生王向兰和王宏伟为论文的共同第一作者,秦峰和中国农业大学国家玉米改良中心教授杨小红为共同通讯作者。研究得到了国家科技部、中科院A类战略先导专项和国家自然科学基金的资助。

ZmVpp1抗旱等位基因型能有效增强玉米苗期的抗旱性。a. 携带ZmVpp1不同等位型(抗旱等位基因型:ZmVpp1CIMBL70/91和干旱敏感等位基因型:ZmVpp1Shen5003)的近等基因系在正常浇水条件下的生长情况。b. 近等基因系干旱复水后的抗旱性表型。c. 分子标记(InDel-379)检测ZmVpp1的不同等位基因型DNA凝胶电泳图。d. 近等基因系干旱复水后植株存活率统计分析。e. ZmVpp1不同等位基因型在抗旱材料和干旱敏感材料中的表达量分析。f, g. ZmVpp1不同等位基因型在近等基因系中的表达量分析。


Genetic variation in ZmVpp1 contributes to drought tolerance in maize seedlings

Maize production is threatened by drought stress worldwide. Identification of the genetic components underlying drought tolerance in maize is of great importance. Here we report a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of maize drought tolerance at the seedling stage that identified 83 genetic variants, which were resolved to 42 candidate genes. The peak GWAS signal showed that the natural variation in ZmVpp1, encoding a vacuolar-type H+ pyrophosphatase, contributes most significantly to the trait. Further analysis showed that a 366-bp insertion in the promoter, containing three MYB cis elements, confers drought-inducible expression of ZmVpp1 in drought-tolerant genotypes. Transgenic maize with enhanced ZmVpp1 expression exhibits improved drought tolerance that is most likely due to enhanced photosynthetic efficiency and root development. Taken together, this information provides important genetic insights into the natural variation of maize drought tolerance. The identified loci or genes can serve as direct targets for both genetic engineering and selection for maize trait improvement.