新基因的产生,是赋予表型变化和生物多样性的基因组创新的一个重要来源。在植物中,新的线粒体基因的产生,可能导致细胞质雄性不育(CMS),这可能可能促进异交结实和提高适合度。然而,线粒体基因在结构和功能上的起源和演化,仍不清楚。10月11日,在国际学术期刊《Cell Research》发表的一项研究中,来自华南农业大学的研究人员对此进行了探讨。

这篇论文的通讯作者是华南农业大学生命学院长江特聘教授刘耀光(Yao-Guang Liu),其主要从事植物基因工程、水稻分子遗传学与分子生物学研究。在水稻育性发育分子生物学研究领域取得了突出成绩。系统地研究和阐明了杂交稻育性控制遗传系统(细胞质雄性不育与恢复性、杂种不育与亲和性、光温敏不育系等)的分子基础,为杂交稻育种提供了理论基础。另外,在分子生物学新技术创新方面如pCR新技术、大片段和多基因转化技术的开发和多基因遗传工程做出显著贡献。在《Nature Genetics》、《Annual Review of plant Biology》、 《pNAS》、 《plant Cell》、《Cell Research》、《plant J》等刊物发表论文90多篇。去年,刘耀光教授入选中科院2015年院士增选候选人名单。相关阅读:2015中科院候选院士之华南农大,浙江大学;院士增选初步候选人名单张学军,周琪上榜。

2013年,刘耀光教授与华南农业大学、广西大学、中山大学的研究人员一起发现,一种线粒体基因与核基因的有害互作引起了水稻细胞质雄性不育(CMS),相关论文发表在Nature Genetics杂志上(华南农业大学Nature子刊发表水稻研究新成果)。

2015年,其课题组报告称开发出了一种适用于在单子叶植物和双子叶植物中,实现方便、高效多重基因组编辑的强大的CRISpR/Cas9系统。研究成果在线发表在Molecular plant杂志上(华南农大Cell子刊发表CRISpR/Cas9研究新文章)。

今年7月6日,刘耀光教授在《Molecular plant》杂志上,发表了一篇题为“CRISpR/Cas9 platforms for Genome Editing in plants: Developments and Applications”的综述文章,探讨了用于植物基因组编辑的CRISpR/Cas9平台其发展与应用。(华南农大Cell子刊发表CRISpR/Cas9新综述)

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Multi-step formation, evolution, and functionalization of new cytoplasmic male sterility genes in the plant mitochondrial genomes
Abstract: New gene origination is a major source of genomic innovations that confer phenotypic changes and biological diversity. Generation of new mitochondrial genes in plants may cause cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS), which can promote outcrossing and increase fitness. However, how mitochondrial genes originate and evolve in structure and function remains unclear. The rice Wild Abortive type of CMS is conferred by the mitochondrial gene WA352c (previously named WA352) and has been widely exploited in hybrid rice breeding. Here, we reconstruct the evolutionary trajectory of WA352c by the identification and analyses of 11 mitochondrial genomic recombinant structures related to WA352c in wild and cultivated rice. We deduce that these structures arose through multiple rearrangements among conserved mitochondrial sequences in the mitochondrial genome of the wild rice Oryza rufipogon, coupled with substoichiometric shifting and sequence variation. We identify two expressed but nonfunctional protogenes among these structures, and show that they could evolve into functional CMS genes via sequence variations that could relieve the self-inhibitory potential of the proteins. These sequence changes would endow the proteins the ability to interact with the nucleus-encoded mitochondrial protein COX11, resulting in premature programmed cell death in the anther tapetum and male sterility. Furthermore, we show that the sequences that encode the COX11-interaction domains in these WA352c-related genes have experienced purifying selection during evolution. We propose a model for the formation and evolution of new CMS genes via a “multi-recombination/protogene formation/functionalization” mechanism involving gradual variations in the structure, sequence, copy number, and function.