该研究结果于10月12日在线发表在Cell Host Microbe。该研究同美国Nebraska-Lincoln大学的James R Alfano实验室合作完成,北京生命科学研究所的陈涉研究组提供了质谱分析方面的数据。该研究得到了国家自然科学基金、中国科技部项目、中科院先导专项和中科院对外合作项目的资助。
Antibody generated against flavivirus envelope proteins recognizes protein E Activation-Dependent Destruction of a Co-receptor by a pseudomonas syringae Effector Dampens plant Immunity
The Arabidopsis immune receptor FLS2 and co-receptor BAK1 perceive the bacterial flagellin epitope flg22 to activate plant immunity. To prevent this response, phytopathogenic bacteria deploy a repertoire of effector proteins to perturb immune signaling. However, the effector-induced perturbation is often sensed by the host, triggering another layer of immunity. We report that the pseudomonas syringae effector HopB1 acts as a protease to cleave immune-activated BAK1. prior to activation, HopB1 constitutively interacts with FLS2. Upon activation by flg22, BAK1 is recruited to the FLS2-HopB1 complex and is phosphorylated at Thr455. HopB1 then specifically cleaves BAK1 between Arg297 and Gly298 to inhibit FLS2 signaling. Although perturbation of BAK1 is known to trigger increased immune responses in plants, the HopB1-mediated cleavage of BAK1 leads to enhanced virulence, but not disease resistance. This study thus reveals a virulence strategy by which a pathogen effector attacks the plant immune system with minimal host perturbation.