

生长激素释放激素(Growth Hormone-Releasing Honnone, GHRH)是经典的内分泌激素。在生理条件下,GHRH主要由人体下丘脑分泌产生并与垂体细胞中的生长激素释放激素受体(GHRH-R)结合后发挥相应的调节作用。近来发现GHRH和GHRH-R通路在肿瘤中也异常表达。张灏教授课题组发现胃癌患者样本中的GHRH-R在蛋白,RNA和DNA水平均发生异常改变。GHRH-R表达异常与肿瘤病人预后密切相关,并可作为判断预后的指标。

GHRH-R是否可以作为一个胃癌治疗的靶点?课题组使用自己合成靶向GHRH-R的多肽开展了治疗研究,发现该靶向多肽可以在体外和体内有效抑制肿瘤的生长。研究显示靶向GHRH-R的多肽药物通过降低肿瘤节点基因pAK1, 进而阻断炎癌通路关键蛋白NFkB和STAT3的活性。(有关pAK1请见相关Nature发布大规模癌症蛋白质基因组学研究重要成果。一个多机构科学家小组完成了首个大规模的乳腺癌“蛋白质基因组学”研究,将一些DNA突变与蛋白质信号联系到一起,并帮助确定了一些驱动癌症的基因。在这项研究中,研究人员孤立点分析了一些激酶的磷酸化状态,凸显出了乳腺癌样本中一些异常活化的激酶,如HER2, CDK12, pAK1, pTK2, RIpK2和TLK2)。这一研究为开展靶向GHRH-R药物治疗恶性肿瘤的临床试验提供了重要的证据。

proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2016 Dec 7. pii: 201618582. [Epub ahead of print]
Growth hormone-releasing hormone receptor antagonists inhibit human gastric cancer through downregulation of pAK1-STAT3/NF-κB signaling.
Gan J1, Ke X1, Jiang J1, Dong H1, Yao Z1, Lin Y1, Lin W1, Wu X2, Yan S3, Zhuang Y2, Chu WK4, Cai R5,6,7,8,9, Zhang X5,6,7,8,9,Cheung HS5,6,10, Block NL11, pang Cp4,12, Schally AV13,6,7,8,9,11, Zhang H14,2,15.
Gastric cancer (GC) ranks as the fourth most frequent in incidence and second in mortality among all cancers worldwide. The development of effective treatment approaches is an urgent requirement. Growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) and GHRH receptor (GHRH-R) have been found to be present in a variety of tumoral tissues and cell lines. Therefore the inhibition of GHRH-R was proposed as a promising approach for the treatment of these cancers. However, little is known about GHRH-R and the relevant therapy in human GC. By survival analyses of multiple cohorts of GC patients, we identified that increased GHRH-R in tumor specimens correlates with poor survival and is an independent predictor of patient prognosis. We next showed that MIA-602, a highly potent GHRH-R antagonist, effectively inhibited GC growth in cultured cells. Further, this inhibitory effect was verified in multiple models of human GC cell lines xenografted into nude mice. Mechanistically, GHRH-R antagonists target GHRH-R and down-regulate the p21-activated kinase 1 (pAK1)-mediated signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3)/nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) inflammatory pathway. Overall, our studies establish GHRH-R as a potential molecular target in human GC and suggest treatment with GHRH-R antagonist as a promising therapeutic intervention for this cancer.