2017年1月27日,国际著名肿瘤学杂志《International Journal of Cancer》(IF:5.531)以题为“HBx drives alpha fetoprotein expression to promote initiation of liver cancer stem cells through activating pI3K/AKT signal pathway”发表海南医学院李孟森研究员团队的关于甲胎蛋白(AFp)的诱导肝癌干细胞生成的重要成果。该论文的结果以封面在该期刊展示。


国际评审专家点评道:这个研究工作是很好的构思和开展一系列实验证明HBx诱导AFp表达, AFp在促进正常肝细胞表达重编程蛋白表达发挥关键的作用。研究结果清楚的证明AFp诱导肝细胞恶性转化发挥重要的作用,显示AFp是促进肝癌干细胞产生的“先锋因子”。这是首次报告AFp诱导癌干细胞生产的研究成果。

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近两年来,李孟森团队在AFp的生物学功能的研究取得在国际上有一定影响的学术成就。在《Scientific Reports》(2016)、《Oncotarget》(2016、2015)、《Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine》(2016)、《Journal of Cancer》(2016、2017)等期刊发表了一系列的关于AFp生物学功能的学术论文。此前2篇关于AFp生物学功能的学术论文在《International Journal of Cancer》也是以封面介绍形式发表。其中的论文被《Nature Biotechnology》、《Gastroenterology》、《Hepatology》、《Journal of Hepatology》等国际著名期刊正面引用。

Zhu M, Li W, Lu Y, Dong X, Lin B, Chen Y, Zhang X, Guo J, Li M. HBx drives alpha fetoprotein expression to promote initiation of liver cancer stem cells through activating pI3K/AKT signal pathway. International Journal of Cancer, 2017; 140(6):1346-1355.
Hepatitis B virus (HBV)-X protein (HBx) plays critical role in inducing the malignant transformation of liver cells. Alpha fetoprotein(AFp) expression is closely related to hepatocarcinogenesis. We report that Oct4, Klf4, Sox2 and c-myc expression positivelyassociated with AFp(+)/HBV(+) hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) tissues, and the expression of the stemness markersCD44, CD133 and EpCAM was significantly higher in AFp(+)/HBV(+) HCC tissues compared to normal liver tissues or AFp (-)/HBV(-) HCC tissues. AFp expression turned on prior to expression of Oct4, Klf4, Sox2 and c-myc, and the stemness markersCD44, CD133 and EpCAM in the normal human liver L-02 cell line or CHL cell lines upon transfection with MCV-HBx vectors.Stem-like cells generated more tumour colonies compared to primary cells, and xenografts induced tumourigenesis in nudemice. Expression of reprogramming-related proteins was significantly enhanced in HLE cells while transfected with pcDNA3.1-afp vectors. The specific pI3K inhibitor Ly294002 inhibited the effects of pcDNA3.1-afp vectors. AFp-siRNA vectors were ableto inhibit tumour colony formation and reprogramming-related gene expression. Altogether, HBx stimulates AFp expression toinduce natural reprogramming of liver cells, and AFp plays a critical role in promoting the initiation of HCC progenitor/stemcells. AFp may be a potential novel biotarget for combating HBV-induced hepatocarcinogenesis.