南湖新闻网讯(通讯员 王敏)近日,我校棉花遗传改良团队发表关于攻克棉花抗枯萎病分子育种技术瓶颈的研究成果,研究首次鉴定到了陆地棉抗枯萎病主效基因Fov7,并首次发现谷氨酸类受体(GLUTAMATE RECEpTOR-LIKE,GLR)可作为非典型主效抗病基因调控植物免疫反应。
尖孢镰刀菌(Fusarium oxysporum)是一种广泛存在的土传病原真菌,其寄主范围广泛,可侵染包括茄科蔬菜、瓜类、棉花、香蕉及花卉等100多种具有重要经济价值的植物,位列全球十大病原真菌第五位,对全球农作物健康生产危害严重。棉花枯萎病(Fusarium wilt)是由尖孢镰刀菌萎蔫专化型(Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. vasinfectum (Fov) Atk. Sny & Hans)引起的真菌病害,是世界棉花生产过程中危害最严重的病害之一,与黄萎病并称为棉花的“癌症”。目前世界范围内已鉴定到8个生理小种,其中7号生理小种在我国分布最为广泛且致病力最强,是影响我国棉花生产的优势小种。陆地棉抗枯萎病的主效基因及其介导的抗病机制长期未知影响了棉花抗枯萎病育种效率。
研究利用290份陆地棉栽培种组成的自然群体经过多年新疆田间鉴定,结合覆盖全基因组的高密度SNp标记对棉花枯萎病抗性进行了全基因组关联分析,鉴定到棉花抗枯萎病菌7号生理小种的主效抗病位点Fov7,并对Fov7的候选基因进行了验证和功能分析。研究发现Fov7定位在D03染色体1.97-2.37 Mb,该区间包含23个候选基因。进一步分析表明显著性最高的SNp位点位于一个编码谷氨酸类受体(GLR)基因Gh_D03G0209的编码区,导致该基因胞外结构域一个氨基酸变异。蛋白序列的进化分析表明陆地棉具有不同于拟南芥GLR三个家族的第四个亚家族GLR4,Gh_D03G0209属于第四亚家族成员,并将其命名为GhGLR4.8。
Fusarium wilt (FW) disease of cotton, caused by the fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum (Fov), causes severe losses in cotton production worldwide. Though significant advancements have been made in development of FW‐resistant Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) in resistance screening programs, the precise resistance genes and the corresponding molecular mechanisms for resistance to Fov remain unclear. Herein it is reported that Fov7, a gene unlike canonical plant disease‐resistance (R) genes, putatively encoding a GLUTAMATE RECEpTOR‐LIKE (GLR) protein, confers resistance to Fov race 7 in Upland cotton. A single nucleotide polymorphism (SNp) (C/A) in GhGLR4.8, resulting in an amino acid change (L/I), is associated with Fov resistance. A pCR‐based DNA marker (GhGLR4.8SNp(A/C)) is developed and shown to cosegregate with the Fov resistance. CRISpR/Cas9‐mediated knockout of Fov7 results in cotton lines extremely susceptible to Fov race 7 with a loss of the ability to induce calcium influx in response to total secreted proteins (SEps) of Fov. Furthermore, coinfiltration of SEps with GhGLR4.8A results in a hypersensitive response. This first report of a GLR‐encoding gene that functions as an R gene provides a new insight into plant–pathogen interactions and a new handle to develop cotton cultivars with resistance to Fov race 7.