南湖新闻网讯(通讯员 谢冲)近日,我校作物病害绿色防控研究团队揭示了真菌早期分泌途径的p24家族蛋白通过调控蛋白的分泌,进而影响真菌的生长发育及致病力的分子机制,为有效防治植物真菌病害提供了新的思路。
Randy W.Schekman以关于酵母菌(非丝状真菌)分泌途径中囊泡运输与调节机制的研究分享了2013年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖,但是科学家们对丝状真菌的分泌途径了解相对较少。我校学者以丧失致病力的核盘菌突变体Sunf-MT6为试验材料,通过比较转录组技术鉴定到参与核盘菌致病及发育过程的蛋白SsEmp24及其互作蛋白SsErv25。SsEmp24和SsErv25的功能缺失导致核盘菌生长、菌核及侵染垫形成异常,致病力显著下降。此外,SsEmp24的功能更为重要,其敲除突变体的异常表型更加强烈。
相关成果以“Early secretory pathway-associated proteins SsEmp24 and SsErv25 are involvedin morphogenesis and pathogenicity in a filamentous phytopathogenic fungus”为题在mBio上发表。
proper protein secretion is critical for fungal development and pathogenesis. However, the potential roles of proteins involved in the early secretory pathway are largely undescribed in filamentous fungi. p24 proteins are cargo receptors that cycle between the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and Golgi apparatus in the early secretory pathway and recruit cargo proteins to nascent vesicles. This study characterized the function of two p24 family proteins (SsEmp24 and SsErv25) in a phytopathogenic fungus, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Both SsEmp24 and SsErv25 were upregulated during the early stages of S. sclerotioruminfection. ΔSsEmp24 mutant and ΔSsErv25 mutant displayed abnormal vegetative growth and sclerotium formation, were defective in infection cushion formation, and showed lower virulence on host plants. ΔSsEmp24 mutant had a more severe abnormal phenotype than ΔSsErv25 mutant, implying that SsEmp24 could play a central role in the early secretory pathway. Similar to their Saccharomyces cerevisiaecounterparts, SsEmp24 interacted with SsErv25 and predominantly colocalized in the ER or nuclear envelope. The absence of SsEmp24 or SsErv25 led to defective in protein secretion in S. sclerotiorum, including the pathogenicity-related extracellular hydrolytic enzymes and effectors. It is proposed that SsEmp24 and SsErv25, components in the early secretory pathway, are involved in modulating morphogenesis and pathogenicity in S. sclerotiorumby mediating protein secretion.