一、油茶纵贯产学研 九展专利捷报26项余
九展是福建省宁德市一家主营茶油产品的企业,九展以“油茶综合循环利用”为核心理念,联合中国医学科学院 北京协和医学院药用植物研究所、江南大学、黑龙江中医药大学等机构创建“产学研”一体化模式,发明 26 项专利(已转化9 项产品上市),研发出 3 个系列植物提取产品:茶油系列功能-养生·食用·滋养;婴幼儿系列功能-温和·护肤·滋润;日化系列功能-润肤·修护·抗老。
Jiu Zhan is located in Ningde City,Fujian Province, which specialize in Camellia oil product. Based on the core idea of “Comprehensive Utilization and Recycling”, JIU ZHAN has developed an integrated business model of “Academy-Research-Production”, by cooperating with several famous institutions, namely as, China Academy of Medical Sciences, Medicinal plants Institute of Peking Union medical College, Konan University,and Heilongjiang University Of Chinese Medicine.JIU ZHAN owns 26 patents, 9 of which have been commercialized to 3 series of products: Edible Oils, Baby Skin Cares and Cosmetic products lines.
宁德隶属福建,依北纬18-34度而居。油茶树对生长环境要求严格,只在平均温度18度,阳光充足、温度适宜、空气质量良好、土壤中富含多种矿物质的地方生长。福建宁德的地理环境尤为适合茶油生长。 1958年,“绿色油库”被评为“中国茶油之乡”。2010年,美国国际营养协会主席西莫欧普勒斯在上海“中国人蛋白质营养大会”上称:“中国特有的野山茶油优于橄榄油,它的油酸含量比地中海橄榄油高于3%—7%,将成为世界的巨无霸”!茶油也是世界卫生组织(WHO)首推健康油:目前只有中国的山茶油完全符合国际营养要求。
Ningde belongs to Fujian province and liesbetween 18 and 34 degrees north latitude.Camellia trees have strict requirements on the growth environment, it only grow in the environment with the average temperature of 18 degrees, adequate sunshine, appropriate temperature, good air quality, soil rich in a variety of minerals. The geographical environment of Fujian Ningde is extremely suitable for Camellia trees growth. In 1958, the city was selected and titled as “the city of Camellia Tree”. On top of that, the city as also honored as “Green Oil Reservoir” by China most favored Prime Minister, Zhou En Lai.
In 2010, the chairman of American International Nutrition Association, Seamus Opus claimed that Camellia oil was muchbetter than Olive oil and the oleic acid content of camellia oil is 3% - 7%,which is higher than Mediterranean olive oil,so it will definitely become the world's supper oil". In addition, the WHO also recommended Camellia Oil as the most preferable edible oil because only it reached the international nutrition standards.
三、匠人匠心匠品质 绿色健康九展造
Having the aim of building “JIU ZHAN” as one of the China top brand, the company is determined to invest more in R&D, to refine the traditional industry with the cutting edge Beauty Technology and in return to maximize the economic values of Camellia oil Products. In fact, “JIU ZHAN” is undergoing waves of massive commercial.For examples, advertising in CCTV channels, being awarded at the Great Hall of People, Landing in the United States of The NASDAQ show,joining Wu Xiao Bo Celebrity Show (New Craftsman Plan),being awarded at Boao Enterprise Forum. We strongly believe that JIU ZHAN will become a leading role in the new fashion consumption sector in the near future.
中国茶油历史长达 3000 多年。油茶树喜湿润气候,多居高山、丘陵,挑北纬18-34度而生,历经四季轮回,开花结果历时 13 月,吸收宇宙日月之精华,茶油被誉为"抱子怀胎"的奇果。茶油滋润养颜、强身健体、延年益寿、诸病不忌,自古备受皇帝青睐。
Camellia tree planting has a venerable history of over 3000 years in china. The plant likes high humidity climate and mostly grows on high mountains within the area of 18 ° N to 34° N.The growing process of camellia seed experiences four seasons to take in every bit of nutrients that offered by the great nature before it finally ripened after13 full months.Because of its long duration of growth cycle, Camellia oil is famous as “a treasure that produces while conceiving” in Chinese culture. The oil is not only good for skin caring and health maintaining, but also for longevity and preventing disease, etc. There are plenty of tales recorded about its merits. For examples, Peng Zu used camellia seed soup to heal Emperor Yao; Liu Bang recovered from severe injury within a month after taking it; The Princess Yang Gui Fei applied the camellia oil to beautify her skins daily; The founder Emperor of Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang requested camellia seed oil as a royal tribute. Emperor Qian Long used it to prolong his life.
五、茶油食药妆同源 延年益寿驻容颜
茶油富含天然维生素 A、B、E、D、K、胡萝卜素和茶多酚、角鲨稀、黄酮等物质,食用、药用兼并,有助美容养颜、延年益寿之奇效。
《本草纲目》实载:茶油性偏凉,清热解毒;主治肝血亏损,驱虫,益肠胃,明目。主治喘急咳嗽,去疾垢。 茶油相比橄榄油,具有抗癌、降三高、抗衰老等功效,被国家食药总局认定为食、药、妆同源的特殊农副产品,远胜“冬虫夏草”。
Camellia oil is rich in Vitamins family, Carotenoids, Tea Polyphenols, Squalane, Flavone, and Honey locust, etc. It can be well balanced both in cuisine and medication. According to the Chinese Medication Bible, known as 《Compendium of Materia Medica》,camellia oil has a nature of coolness, that helps blood congealing and getting the flame rid of the body. Comparing to Olive oil, camellia oil offers more medical values in preventing cancers and certain chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and high blood glucose. As a result, China Food and Drug Administration recognizes Camellia oil as a very unique agriculture product. Camellia oil is widely used in food, medication and drug nowadays, which is farbetter than Chinese Caterpillar fungus.