红玫瑰(Red rose)
花语:热恋、希望与你泛起激情的爱 Passionate love, hope and passionate love with you
白玫瑰(White Rose)
花语:纯洁、高贵、天真和纯纯的爱 Pure, noble, innocent and pure love
花语的其他解释: 1、尊敬;2、不被注意(不为人知)的美;3、诚实;4、纯纯的爱;5、甘心为你付出所有;6、高贵;7、智慧;8、纯洁、纯情、天真;9、我足以与你相配。 Other explanations of flower language: 1. Respect; 2. Unnoticed (unknown) beauty; 3. Honesty; 4. Pure love; 5. Willing to give everything for you; 6. Nobility; 7. Wisdom; 8. Purity, innocence and innocence; 9. I'm good enough to match you.
粉红玫瑰(pink rose)
花语:感动、爱的宣言、铭记于心 、初恋,喜欢你那灿烂的笑容
Moved, declaration of love, remember, first love, like yor bright smile
黄玫瑰(Yellow Rose)
Pure friendship and good wishes.
香槟玫瑰(Champagne rose)
I only love you.
紫玫瑰(Purple Rose)
花语:成熟的爱、你的幸福比我的重要。 Mature love and your happiness are more important than mine.
绿玫瑰(Green Rose)
Love that is simple, young and never old.
黑玫瑰(Black Rose)
Gentle, sincere and unique; You are the devil and for me.